Slackware Grfx/Propaganda FAQ Q: Can I use this _____ graphic on my webpage? A: Of course! What else do you think they are there for? Q: Should I link to the graphic i.e. IMG SRC="" or can I download it and host it on my own site? A: By all means, you are free and welcome to download the graphic and host it out of your own site. Infact, that is the best idea, as besides the fact that it won't cause us additional traffic, the graphic is not guaranteed to stay at the same location on our site, or even keep the same name neccessarily (although, I am striving to make the names sensical, not repetitive, AND include SW, Slack, or Slackware in some way; which is why some of the names are changing. Q: I am writing a newspaper or magazine article, or even a television broadcase where I talk about Slackware and Linux, may I use one of these graphics or banners? A: As above, by all means! That is what they are here for! Q: I sent in a graphic, or a link to a graphic but I haven't seen it posted on the propaganda/graphics pages yet, what gives?? A: First, did you send it to me, msimons? If you sent it to another address, or another Slackware person, then most likely, I did not get it. Otherwise, feel free to drop me an email reminding me, or send it again, sometimes I miss these things, or I read them and then tell myself "I'll put that up later." and then I don't get back to them, can't find it, or don't remember it. This is just a hobby, I am not paid to do this, and my normal day to day activities sometimes get in the way. Q:Okay, so I sent you a graphic, or several graphics and they just arn't up. A:Well, most likely I will respond, but sometimes I wont.. but sometimes (and this is VERY RARE) I just don't get it.. in other words I don't think the graphic makes any sense, or I don't feel it relates to, or reflects well on Slackware.. please note as I said this is VERY rare... I have only ever not put up two graphics, one which didn't make sense (it was too personal to the individual who was sending it to me) and another which not only didn't mention Slackware in it at all, but wouldn't really reflect well on Slackware, should I have put it up. Oh, I did reject another, but only cause it didn't make sense, english-wise.. the guy was not a native english speaker, and I didnt know what he meant.. he explained what he meant, and I understood and we went back and forth a few times correcting his english, [I certainly couldnt make a banner in his language that would make any sense, so I don't blame him!! BTW, I *will* accept banners and graphics in non-english languages, however, I will have to get them translated first from a reliable (secondary) source to make sure what they say/imply.] Q: What sort of graphics are you looking for? Is there any way that you suggest (before I send it in) that I can make my graphic better? A: Well, I don't want to tell you what to do, I'd rather you be creative than follow some sort of cookie-cutter formula that I give you. However, I will offer the following suggestions: 1) If you are going to use the 'traditional' version of Tux as originally created by Larry Ewing, please use or edit it so that it is Slackware's version of Tux (in other words, with the Pipe.) If you are going to use another non-traditional penguin (as in, NOT in the tradition of Larry Ewing's Tux) then feel free by all means to use the one of your choice or create one that you like, however, it would be nice to have a version with the Pipe. Feel free to send both with and without, if you wish. 2) I'm starting to get a number of graphics with just the name "Slackware" displayed in different ways. They're not bad (some of them are actually pretty good). However, if I were to post every version of the name "Slackware" in every possible font out there, the possibilities would be endless! So please consider when sending me these, if you could possibly add some sort of clever saying that would fit with whatever your theme (appearance/color/graphic) is.. [HEY, I have an idea!! Does anybody out there want to come up with a "Slackware Graphic Generator" that would take the word(s) "Slackware Linux" and display them in the font, color, and background color or background graphic of a user's choosing? :D ] 3) Also, it helps to include the word "Linux" along with the name Slackware, as joe random user looking at your banner or graphic on random-webpage-X probably won't know what "Slackware" is, but they might know what "Linux" is, and then can figure by context that "Slackware Linux" is a type of "Linux." Q: Can I take a graphic, edit it, mutate it in some way and use it? A: Yes, but by all means, please send us back your edit so that we may see what you have done, and post it. (Kind of like the GPL, you know.) Q: Can I submit a banner or graphic in my native tongue, _____ language? A: By all means! Please submit with an explanation in english, and see above. Q: I *really* like ____ graphic, can I make a ____ (mousepad, t-shirt, mug, poster) for my own personal individual use? A: Well, (please note this is not the official opinion of Slackware, Inc. and I do not represent Slackware in ANY official capacity whatsoever.) I don't think anybody is going to hunt you down and kill you for making ONE or two t-shirts or whatever for your OWN personal use, after all, Slackware (and the team) are doing their work, partly because they like what they do, and partly cause they appreciate the fact that people enjoy their efforts. They, however, need things purchased from the Slackware store or contributions made ( so that they can pay their bills, and keep on doing what they do. Also realize that the graphics are here because we know that people like Slackware, and have different personal aesthetics. So, yes, you may make ONE t-shirt for your own personal use. If you wish to, and have the capacity to make a large number of items (in other words, you own or have excellent access to a printing/manufacturing facility) then by all means feel free to contact us about it, but DO NOT make the items before discussing this with us. Q: I'm writing an article for a Wikiweb, OpenSource Document, Free Publishing License, etc. about Slackware, can I use a graphic? (It would also have to go under this license.) A: This is a good question, and one that will require figuring out and writing up a decent license/document for you. Uhmm.. I think I'll have to get back to you on this one. [anybody out there want to write something up for me? aiiigh...] Q: I have another question not answered here. A: Well, then, ask it.